Hai Doggies!
I have a new hobby, its called Dancing with Bubbles and its almost as much fun as chasing sheepz.
This is me in the backyard, going to investigate what Uncle AJ was up to.

Then the Alligator

Now I am sure that other pups out there Dance with Bubbles as well, how about you show your photos as well?
Thanks for visiting my blog! I love visiting blogs so please leave your paw prints in the comments section so I know where to find you:)
Woofs and buttsniffs
I dance with bubbles all the time I will have to get Mum to take photos!!
Those are great shots you look like you had a blast!
love and tailwags,
Ben xxxx
Not sure if you've seen this yet but you will enjoy it :)
Chance's tricks
Stay till the end ;)
Hehe, that looks fun Taj, great pic's.
Holly had a bubble gun with some tasty flavoured dog bubbles but all she did was bark at it. I shall have to find it and see what she makes of it now. That does look fun!
wow, I'm sure impressed with all the dancing moves you know!!
Hey Taj! It's been a while since I last popped in your blog. How are ya?
You dance really well. I don't really play with bubbles becoz they don't amuse me much but Faith loves them.
Butt wiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer
OMD That looks like so much fun! I must have my Mum get be bubbles!!!
Woofs, Johann
I want me some BUBBLES for Christy-mas!
Your new pal,
Hi Taj
My name is Suzuki and my friend Hammer said I should drop by and say hello to you because you live in WA too :) I hope you stop by sometime to say hi.
Big licks to you,
What a handsome guy you are, Taj. I really enjoyed your pictures and I would love for you to come visit me too!
Beautiful dogs! :)
Fantastic photos!
What a wonderful Border Collie!!! :) So glad to have found your blog...nice to "meet" you! :)
I just sent Ms. Alpha out to the toy store!
Your new BC pal,
More high flying fun for all doggies, everywhere!
let us know if you guts agree
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