Saturday, December 29, 2007

My Big Sister

You might be wondering why I have so many photos of me on my blog and not many of my big sister Tia...well thats because Tia dosn't like having her photo taken very much. Mum says its difficult to get good photos of Tia because of her wrinkles and black fur (Tia is a Chinese Shar-Pei - you know the dogs with lots of wrinkles?)

Well today Mum was able to get a few photos of Tia that don't make her look like a bizarre wrinkled blur.

In this photo, Tia is telling mum to rack off with that camera!

Then mum got this one while Tia was looking through the fence at someone on the street.

Three seconds later Tia started with the hippopotamus face which means that she is done with having her photo taken.

Meanwhile, the kids and I went for a swim (Tia hates water and refuses to be outside when we are swimming, silly girl, its so much fun!).

I wait my turn and make sure I am careful not to dive into the pool when the kids are in the way.

Lucky I have a sense of humour and don't really mind mum posting my less elegant photos, like this one of my bellyflop.

Tia makes herself cool by turning herself into a Shar-Pei pancake and then
falling asleep (which is why mum was able to take this photo).

I guess I should explain that there is actually one more very good reason
why there are not that many photos of Tia on this blog.

This is the reason.

The puparazzi belongs to me!

1 comment:

Therese, said...

What beautiful pups! Happy New Year to you all :)